Herelink Manual

Herelink Manual

Herelink is an integrated remote controller, ground station and wireless digital transmission system designed to be used with the Cube Autopilot, Ardupilot or PX4.
Herelink allows RC control, HD video and telemetry data to be transmitted upto 20km between the ground station and air unit, the Herelink remote controller features custom Solex TX and QGC applications and both air unit and ground station feature an integrated 8 core SOC for custom application development.
  • Android based smart device with 5.46 inch 1080P capacitive touch screen.
  • Integrated digital transmission system simultaneously transmitting video, telemetry and control.
  • Herelink HD Video Transmission System Custom Solex TX and QGC ground station software with MAVlink support for Ardupilot and PX4.

  • Dual hall effect self centering gimbals with removable sticks.
  • 1080P HD video with dual digital video inputs.
  • Dual S.bus signal output for simultaneous control of autopilot and pan/tilt cameras.
  • 6 customizable Mavlink buttons and Mavlink/SBus hardware wheel.
  • RC gimbal control on dedicated service independent of Solex TX / QGC.
  • Tether and share video and telemetry via Wi-Fi ground station such as Mission Planner.
  • Onboard Arm Cortex A53 & Cortex A53 SOC in both air and ground units for custom applications.

Technical specifications

Ground & Air Unit:

SOC:ARM Cortex A53 4 core 2.2GHz + Cortex A53 4 core 1.4GHz
Image Processing:Mali-T860 GPU
Memory:Air Unit: LPDDR3: 1GB, Ground Station: LPDDR3: 2GB, EMMC: Air / Ground 4GB
Transmission Distance:FCC 20km CE / SRRC 12km Image transmission delay: ≤ 110ms Image transmission: 720p@30fps 1080p@30 / 60fps transmission,signal bandwidth 20MHz / 10MHz
Frequency Band:2.4GHz ISM Receive sensitivity: -99dBm@20MHz BW Interference recovery: < 1s

Ground Station:

Herelink 2 1 1 - Herelink Manual

Herelink – Ground Station

Screen:5.46 inch 1080P, 16 million colors, capacitive touch screen
Audio:Built-in speaker × 1, built-in microphone × 2
Remote control:Hall affect gimbals with removable sticks x 2, scroll wheel × 1, bottom button × 6 with backlight, top button × 1 (right)
Wireless:Bluetooth (disabled) / WIFI / GPS / 2.4G map transmission ground
Inputs:MicroUSB × 1, Micro SD × 1 (supports maximum 64GB)
Antenna:Circular (5dBi) × 1, detachable, omnidirectional (2dBi) × 1, detachable,built-in wifi antenna, built-in GPS antenna, external GPS antenna interface x 1
Power :Built-in 4950 mAh Lipo Battery
Charging :Support micro USB port 5v 2A current charging
Power consumption:The average power consumption does not exceed 4W (only picture transmission work, medium screen brightness, WiFi off, GPS off)
Size:217 × 106.5 × 31mm not including external antenna and rocker

Air Unit:

Herelink 3 1 1 - Herelink Manual
Herelink – Air Unit
Video Input:Micro HDMI x 2: Input for external camera video,supports 720P 30fps & 1080P 30/60fps
Power Input: 2 Pin interface x 1: Recommended supply voltage ~7V: minimum 6V: maximum 12V and avoid sharing BEC with servos, the average power consumption of the single-sided module is less than 4W
Telemetry: 3 Pin interface x 1:3.3V / 5V level UART interface Mavlink Compatible
USB:4 Pin interface x 1: Two 3.3V level RC output connectors (S.bus in phase, S.bus inverting or PPM signal output, ground terminal control)
Antenna:Micro USB x 1: for debugging upgrades, support OTG mode
Size:MMCX antenna jack x 2: used for signal transmission and ground communication 78.5x30x13mm

How To Update Firmware

The following article shows how to update the firmware of Herelink Units

Hex Aero Herelink HD Video Transmission System can be updated on PC, Mac and Linux as per the below process. Newer firmware versions allow you to update the Herelink remote via wifi from with-in the settings app, this is only available if you have the Solex TX app installed.

Flashing Firmware on Remote unit
  1. Connect the Herelink Remote unit to your PC via USB.
  2. Put the Herelink Remote Unit into Fastboot by pressing Power and D button simultaneously while turning on.
  3. Extract and Run the application packaged inside the zip file.
  4. After Remote Unit upgrade is complete the Unit will automatically restart once finished.
  5. Herelink Remote Unit will boot up with Activation window, follow the steps below to continue.
In some Windows systems it’s been found that due to incorrect Driver setup, Herelink units fail to be detected. In such cases please power up by pressing Power+D button until “Fastboot” screen shows up. Install driver from here In cases where driver was already installed, Uninstall Device from Device manager (Ensure to check the “also uninstall driver” option), and then reconnect and install the correct driver from Google.
Flashing Firmware Air Unit
Important: Before proceeding the air unit must be connected to a suitable power supply and antennas must be connected at all times.
The air end update process is the same as the ground station above apart from there is not requirement to place the unit in Fastboot as per step 2 before starting.
VIDEO TUTORIAL (Step by step)

Herelink Activation

After upgrading the Herelink firmware you may be required to activate your device, you will be presented with the ‘Update Device’ Screen
Note: Herelink must be connected to an internet connection via WiFi to activate.
  • Connect Herelink to your WiFi connection from the settings menu
herelink2 - Herelink Manual
  • Select your region then click ‘Proceed’
herelink - Herelink Manual
  • You will then be prompted to input your 16 digit software activation key.
Note:On later Herelink versions your key will be located on the box, for earlier Herelink versions you should contact your original reseller to obtain a valid licence key.

herelink3 - Herelink Manual herelink4 - Herelink Manual



  • Once input click ‘done’ the ‘Register’ and your device will then download the latest software and update itself.

Herelink Remote Update Via Wifi

If your Herelink has Solex TX installed you can now update your ground station via the built in update feature.
Note: The air end will still need to be updated via the above process.
  • Make sure you Herelink is connected to wifi and has an internet connection available
  • Pull down from the top and select the settings cog in the top corner

herelink5 - Herelink Manual

  • Scroll to the bottom and click the ‘About phone’ option
herelink6 - Herelink Manual
  • Select ‘System Update’
herelink7 - Herelink Manual
  • Select ‘CHECK FOR UPDATE’ in the bottom corner
herelink8 - Herelink Manual
  • The system will now check for an update and install it automatically
herelink9 - Herelink Manual

Herelink Remote Update Update Error

There are 3 things the need to be checked if you receive an error
  1. You are connected to stable wifi
  2. The device time is correct
  3. You entered the correct Key

Pairing, RC Calibration & Setup

The following tutorial will guide you through the steps to setup and calibrate the Herelink system.

ProfiCNC Herelink HD Video Transmission System has a dedicated system settings app for the setup and configuration of the Herelink RC control and radio system.

The Herelink Settings app allows you to
  • Pair The Air Unit
  • See Radio & System Status
  • Calibrate the RC
  • Set RC Mode & Throttle Settings
  • Calibrate HW Wheel and Set Channel
  • Set Radio Regional Settings
  • Configure Sbus Buttons
The following tutorial will guide you through the steps to setup and calibrate the Herelink system. For button setup there are dedicated pages in this wiki for Mavlink and Sbus button options, these should only be completed after performing the steps on this page.
Important: Please pay special attention to Autopilot Mode setup on the Mavlink Buttons page before configuring any buttons on your system,see

Video Overview Of Herelink Setup

Here is a video overview of the Herelink setup process and configuring mavlink and Sbus buuttons.

Herelink Settings App

  • From App Launcher slide down the notification drawer from the top

1 3 - Herelink Manual

  • Select Herelink Setting

3 3 - Herelink Manual

  • The settings app will open

2 - Herelink Manual

Pairing with Air Unit

  • Tap Pair button and then hold the Pair/Reset button on Air Unit until LED2 blinks.

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Joystick and HW Wheel Calibration

  • Swipe left to access the joystick screen.

7 1 - Herelink Manual

Here you will find the sticks and hardware wheel options and calibration settings.
From this screen you can
  • See RC Calibration Status
  • Calibrate Hardware Wheel
  • Calibrate Sticks
  • Set RC Stick Mode
  • Set Hardware Wheel Sbus Channel & Bus
  • Reverse RC Channel
  • Set Throttle Centre Behavior

Step 1: Calibrate the hardware wheel

  • Select ‘HW WHEEL CAL’.

8wheel cal - Herelink Manual

  • Click ‘Start rollwheel’ and follow the calibration steps
  • Note once complete you can check its correct functioning by looking at the values change, click Pass to return to joystick screen

9hw wheel - Herelink Manual

  • Once calibration is complete you can set the Sbus channel output and Bus output for the wheel on the highlighted settings
    Bus 1 is the same output as the sticks and the wheel can be set to channels 5 – 16, on bus 2 the wheel can be set to channels 1 -16.

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  • Once complete click ‘SAVE’ to store settings.

Step 2: Calibrate the joysticks

  • Click ‘HW JS CAL’

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  • This screen is split into 2 sections, joystick calibration on the left, joystick testing on the bottom right, instructions for the user to follow will be shown in the green box. Click ‘Start Calibration’ to begin the process and follow the instructions in the green box and the sick movement arrows located around the sticks on the remote as highlighted in red below.
Note: The joystick testing area in the bottom right will not move or show any input while you are calibrating the sticks. This is normal, this area will only diplay input after the joysticks have been calibrated.

12joystick cal1 - Herelink Manual 13joystick testnote - Herelink Manual


  • Once the joystick calibration step is complete the input test area in the red box will activate, follow the instructions above it to test the sticks input are functioning correctly by aligning the black and red circles in each step shown. This will test the joysticks are moving correctly in all axises.
  • At the end of this process if you are happy with the input behaviour you can click ‘Pass’ and the calibration will be stored, if you’re experiencing any issues click ‘Fail’ and start the calibration process again using a little more pressure in the corners.

14joystick test - Herelink Manual

Step 3 RC Mode Selection , Throttle Behavior & Channel Reversing

Herelink supports rc modes 1 – 4 as well as the option to set the throttle centre as zero PWM output and reverse each channeel.
  • Set throttle center and RC mode via the below settings.

15Rc mode - Herelink Manual

  • The stick sbus output can be reversed by clicking on ‘REV’ next to the channel you want to change.

16Channel rev - Herelink Manual

  • After making any changes click ‘SAVE” to store settings.

Step 4 Calibrate SBUS Output

  • To calibrate the joystick SBUS outpiuts click ‘SBUS OUT CAL’.

17Sbus cal - Herelink Manual

  • Follow the RC stock movement steps as shown in the highlight section moving the stick through each position.

18Sbus cal2 - Herelink Manual
19Sbus cal1 - Herelink Manual


  • Once complete click ‘SAVE” to store settings.

Selecting FCC/CE settings

  • Select the region you are residing in or matches closest to your locations policy from Country Under Herelink Settings main screen.
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Configure Modes & Mavlink Buttons

Herelink is fitted with six programmable buttons and one hardware wheel,these can be configured in Solex TX or QGC to preset mavlink commands such as mode selection,servo outputs and app control.
Buttons A,B,C,D,Cam, Home & HW Wheel can be configured in Solex TX and QGC to Mavlink commands, these include
  • Mode Selection
  • Arm/Disarm
  • Servo Output Control
  • Relay Control
  • HW Wheel Channel Mapping
  • App Specific Commands
There is a video overview of setting up Herelink and configuring buttons on the Herelink Pairing, RC Calibration & Setup Page.

Autopilot Mode Selection

Solet TX and QGC have on screen controls for selecting mode in Ardupilot and PX4, ie: selecting and changing flight modes such as loiter,stabilised. If you want to configure one or more buttons to change modes they must only be set to Mavlink button commands within Solex TX or QGC.
Mavlink provides a safe command link for mode change and is not affected by system reboots and loss of signal.
After configuring mode selection users should confirm their failsafe settings are correct and work as expected by testing before using the system.
Important Note: Ardupilot sets Sbus channel 5 to mode selection as default, this should be disabled with herelink by setting the pram FLTMODE_CH: to 0.

Home Button

The home button can only be configured with mavlink commands in Solex TX or QGC. It is advised to set Homebutton Long Press to ‘RTL’ command.

Button Configuration

To Configure in Solex TX
  • Open Solex TX App
  • Click 3 line in top left corner
button mapping 0 - Herelink Manual
  • Select ‘Button Mapping’
  • button mapping 1 - Herelink ManualChoose desired button
  • button mapping 2 - Herelink ManualSelect either ‘Click’ or ‘Long Click’ (Note this allows you to set two functions to each button)
  • button mapping 2.5 - Herelink ManualClick on drop down to select the function you want
  • button mapping 3 - Herelink ManualClick on small cog to select option with-in selected function
button mapping 6 - Herelink Manual
  • Select function optionbutton mapping 5 - Herelink Manual
  • Repeat for each button assignment and click ‘Save Buttons’ in bottom corner to finishbutton mapping 7 - Herelink Manual
    To Configure in QGC
  • Open QGC
  • Click the 3 cogs in top left cornerqgc button 1 - Herelink Manual
  • Select ‘Buttons’
  • Tick the box next to the desired button
  • Click on drop down to select function
  • Repeat for each buttonscreenshot 2020 03 16 at 22.35.57 - Herelink Manual
    Hardware Wheel
The hardware wheel is mapped to SBUS channel 5 by default but can also be configured in Solex TX to Servo output channels 1-16 on the Cube Autopilot, you also have the ability to switch the servo output via a button in Solex TX.
To Configure Wheel in Solex TX
  • Open Solex TX App
  • Click 3 line in top left corner
  • Select ‘Button Mapping’ as above
  • Click ‘Wheel Settings’ in the bottom cornerwheel 1 - Herelink Manual
  • Select the desired servo channel from 1- to 16
wheel 2 - Herelink ManualSelect the PWM output range for your application
  • wheel 4 - Herelink Manual
  • Click the ‘Enabled’ box to activate the output
wheel 5 - Herelink Manual
  • Finish by clicking OK and click ‘Save Buttons’ in bottom corner
  • To configure a button to change the wheel servo output configure the button to ‘Wheel Settings’wheel 6 - Herelink Manual
  • Click the cog and set new channel and PWM values and click OK and then ‘Save Buttons’ in bottom corner.
  • wheel 7 - Herelink ManualOnce changed the wheel will output on the new selected channel, to return to its original servo output you will need to program one button function to ‘Clear Wheel Settings’ as shown above.

Configure Sbus Buttons & Wheel

Herelink is fitted with six programmable buttons and one hardware wheel. These can be configured to control sbus channel outputs from the air end’s dual sbus connector and to send Mavlink commands to the autopilot via Solex TX or QGC.
 More info see Herelink Pairing, RC Calibration & Setup
Autopilot Mode Selection – Important
Autopilot mode selection must not be programmed to sbus channels. Mode selection should be configured to Mavlink commands within Solet TX or QGC to ensure predictable behavior in the event of signal loss or system reboot.
 More info see Mode Selection & Mavlink Buttons
Important Note: Ardupilot sets Sbus channel 5 to mode selection as default, this should be disabled with herelink by setting the pram FLTMODE_CH: to 0.

Sbus Outputs

The Herelink settings app allows you to program buttons A,B,C,D,Cam & HW Wheel to control sbus outputs on the air unit, Herelink has dual independent sbus outputs on bus 1 and bus 2. Buttons can be configured on channels 5 – 16 on bus 1 and channels 1-16 on bus 2.
Channels 1-4 on Bus 1 are reserved for RC control.
Each button can be programmed in one of 3 modes with long press and short press actions in Toggle and Multi modes.

Button Modes Available

  • Toggle = Output latches between two pwm values with a short or long press option.
  • Momenty = Output changes to active value when pressed and held, returns to default when released.
  • Multi = Sends command for channel to go to preset pwm value. Multi buttons can be stacked on both short and long press as well as multiple buttons configurations to allow channel outputs to range in values.
To select the mode either press T for Toggle, M for Momantry, when neither T or M is selected the button is in Multi mode.


Herelink Sbus Buttons allows you to save multiple button profiles. This means you can set up Herelink to have multiple configurations for different applications.

Sbus Button Configuration

Buttons Screen Overview
Button overview2 - Herelink ManualButton overview1 - Herelink ManualTo Configure
From App Launcher slide down the notification drawer from the top and select Herelink Setting. Slide left for buttons screen. Here you will find the button configuration options for sbus.Sbusbuttons 1 - Herelink ManualClick ‘NEW’ and type name for your new profile and press OK.
Sbusbuttons Profile - Herelink ManualSelect the first button you want to configure from the drop down menu then click ‘ADD’
Sbusbuttons 2 - Herelink ManualSelect desired button mode by tapping the letter, ie: Toggle, Momenty or leave blank for Multi
Sbusbuttons 3 - Herelink ManualNote: When setting up Multi mode buttons at least one must be selected as default, this sets the default output pwm on system boot.
  • For Toggle & Momentary set the default pwm and active pwm values, these values are selected by scrolling left and right on the number to select the desired output.Sbusbuttons 4 - Herelink ManualTip: To move to the top end of the range you can scroll backwards, also ‘Flicking’ the numbers will scroll faster though the range.
  • If setting a Multi mode button set desired active pwm output.Sbusbuttons 6 - Herelink ManualSet sbus channel output and bus.
    Sbusbuttons 5 - Herelink ManualOnce configured you must click SAVE to store settings.
  • Next contine to add more buttons via the above process.

Sbusbuttons 7 - Herelink ManualTo removea button config simply click the bin icon next to the name.

Multi Buttons
Multi button config allows you to set short and long press options as well as other buttons to set stages outputs on a sbus channel, below is an example of two buttons changing a channel to 4 different pwm values.
When setting up Multi mode buttons at least one on each channel must be selected as default value, this sets the default output pwm the system will default to on power on.
Sbusbuttons Setupmulti - Herelink Manual

Share video Stream

1. Enable the video stream on Herelink

  • Slide down the Notification Drawer and tap the Herelink Settings tabsettings app 1 1 1 1 1 - Herelink ManualScroll down in Radio Settings and Enable the Video Sharing
    video sharing - Herelink ManualPlease note that video stream isn’t available until a GCS app enables it, so ensure atleast one GCS app is running in the background with correct stream selected.

2. Connect over Wifi Tethering

  • Pull down the Notification Drawer and enable Hotspot.device 2020 02 14 143024 - Herelink ManualTo configure press and hold hotspot logo, and you should see following screen.
    device 2020 02 14 143404 - Herelink ManualThen under Set up Wifi hotspot configure name and password for the hotspot.
    password 1 - Herelink ManualThe video stream will be available at rtsp:// connected devices.

3. Connect over USB tethering

  • Press and hold the Hotspot button under notification logo.device 2020 02 14 143024 - Herelink ManualUnder Tethering & portable hotspot find USB tethering, turn it on.
    device 2020 02 14 143404 1 - Herelink ManualThe video stream will be available to connected devices over USB via rtsp://

4. Connect via Wifi Connection

  • If Herelink is connected over wifi, you can get video stream using IP of Herelink on the network.
  • Press and hold Wifi option in Notification drawer and select settings.device 2020 02 14 144314 - Herelink ManualScroll down to find the IP Address
    device 2020 02 14 144436 - Herelink ManualThe video stream will be available to connected devices over USB via rtsp://:8554/fpv_stream

5. Display the video stream

In this example we use VLC media player
  • Open VLC and go to File >> Open network
  • Type the url address provided on the HereLink stream menu and click “Open”vlc stream - Herelink ManualThe video stream window will automatically opens, if not, you can force it by clicking right on the video stream link >> Play
    vlc 2 - Herelink Manual

Connecting to Mission Planner

For enabling video stream in Herelink settings please refer Share video Stream

You are now connected to the Herelink HotSpot Wifi.


  • Open Mission Planner
  • Set the port to ‘UDP’ (top right)
  • Click ‘Connect’
  • Enter port ‘14550’screen udp copie min - Herelink Manualmission planner 2 - Herelink Manual

You are now connected to the same wifi network as the Herelink is.


  • Open Mission Planner
  • Set the port to ‘UDPCL’ (top right)
  • Click ‘Connect’
  • Enter the IP of the Herelink controller Find your IP
  • Enter port ‘14552’
You will now have Mavlink working into Mission Planner
*This configuration applies when we connect using USB TETHER or any other interface that is not WIFI. The Mavlink traffic being Broadcast from the WIFI Access Point by default, when connecting with USB or Ethernet, it is necessary to specify IP address of HereLink station so it can access the UDP port 14552.

To view live Herelink video in Mission Planner

Note: Video requires Mission Planner 1.3.70 beta or above
  • Start Solex or QGC to ensure your video is working (this is required to start the streaming process)
  • Right click the HUD
  • Select ‘Video’
  • Select ‘Herelink Video’
  • The first time you do this Mission Planner may need to download the files required to play the video. Your device will require and internet connection to be able to do this, you may need to disconnect from the Herelink hotspot to perform this step
  • A popup window will open, enter the same IP as you did in the mavlink step and click OKherelink video - Herelink Manualherelink video ip - Herelink Manual

Installing a custom app

Ensure you have latest platform-tools installed in the system.
  • Enable Developer Mode by tapping Settings->About Phone->Build Number multiple times.
  • Enable Settings->Developer options->USB debugging
  • Check if the unit is connected
					$ adb devices
List of devices attached
66c4bfea    device
  • Install app using adb install <app_name>.apk
					$ adb install myapp.apk
Performing Streamed Install
  • Your app should show up in the app launcher’s list.device 2020 02 14 150633 - Herelink ManualTo remove the app do adb remove org.myorg.appname
					$ adb remove org.myorg.appname

OEM Image Setup

This article shows how OEMs can create images including custom applications and settings
The OEM changes are constant changes made by OEMs of Herelink that will be untouched by Over the Air updates provided to herelink systems. The changes include Boot Animation changes, System configurations, Android Applications, Android properties.


  • Download and unzip following files:
  • Ensure that you select the base image depending upon which unit you are modifying.
  • Download and extract zips into same directory.
  • Now to generate ext4fs image from the sparse image (.img) downloaded above do ./simg2img_mac oem_au_base.img raw_oem_au_base.img
  • Create a mount point directory using mkdir oem
  • Mount the image using mount raw_oem_au_base.img oem
  • Now you should be able to modify files inside the mount directory.
  • You need to use sudo to be able to do any writes the files inside the mount point.
  • Once you have made your changes, you need to unmount your drive using command sudo umount oem
  • Afterwards convert the ext4fs image back to android sparse image using command ./img2simg raw_oem_au_base.img oem_au.img
  • Now you may flash this image into Herelink Air Unit, by putting it under bootloader using command adb reboot bootloader
  • And finally to flash to image run command fastboot flash oem oem_au.img
  • Check example below for a sample modification.


  • Setup osxfuse in your system using brew cask install osxfuse, this will require rebooting your system proceed and do that.
  • Follow the steps here to install fuse-ext2. This will allow you to mount ext4fs we will be generating.
  • Download and unzip following files:
  • Ensure that you select the base image depending upon which unit you are modifying.
  • Download and extract zips into same directory.
  • Now to generate ext4fs image from the sparse image (.img) downloaded above do ./simg2img_mac oem_au_base.img raw_oem_au_base.img
  • Create a mount point directory using mkdir oem
  • Mount the image using fuse-ext2 raw_oem_au_base.img oem -o rw+
  • Now you should be able to modify files inside the mount directory.
  • You need to use sudo to be able to do any writes the files inside the mount point.
  • Once you have made your changes, you need to unmount your drive using command sudo umount oem
  • Afterwards convert the ext4fs image back to android sparse image using command ./img2simg raw_oem_au_base.img oem_au.img
  • Now you may flash this image into Herelink Air Unit, by putting it under bootloader using command adb reboot bootloader
  • And finally to flash to image run command fastboot flash oem oem_au.img

Example Config Change

  • In the following example we change the system_id used by herelink air unit for board specific messages.
  • Most config files are located in you unit at /system/etcin the following example we will pull config using command adb pull /system/etc/system-control.telepathy-air.conf
  • Once pulled the file will contain information like bellow:
					# module on/off
board_control_enabled = true
d2d_tracker_enabled = true
camera_control_enabled = true

# board control
board_system_id = 42

# camera control
video_stream_ip_address =
camera_system_id = 42
support_multiple_camera = true
support_camera_capture = false
  • You can change the value of board_system_id and camera_system_id fields as per your requirement in your favourite editor.
  • Once done save this file and exit editor.
  • Create a folder inside oem image called etc using command sudo mkdir oem/etc
  • Copy file using command sudo cp system-control.telepathy-air.conf oem/etc/
  • Continue to unmount the image and flashing into the unit as described in above steps.

Example App Change

  • In the following example we override the installed QGroundcontrol App.
  • A new OEM app can be installed under /oem/app/<AppName>/<AppName>.apk
  • For installing your custom version of QGroundcontrol, ensure that you started with as your base.
  • After building the project, create a folder QgroundControl
  • Copy .apk file cp -r build-qgroundcontrol-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_Clang_Qt_5_11_0_for_Android_armv72_fd6ff4-Debug/android-build/build/outputs/apk/android-build-debug.apk QGroundControl/QGroundControl.apk
  • Also create a lib directory QGroundControl/lib
  • Copy libraries cp -r build-qgroundcontrol-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_Clang_Qt_5_11_0_for_Android_armv72_fd6ff4-Debug/android-build/libs/armeabi-v7a/ QGroundControl/lib/arm/
  • Finally move QgroundControl directory to oem image sudo cp -r QGroundControl oem/app/QGroundControl
  • Do ensure you have already created app directory inside oem image if not already done sudo mkdir oem/app
  • Continue to unmount the image and flashing into the unit as described in above steps.
Extra OEM Files
  • On boot several files are setup for use, and you can override these files
  • These files can exist in (searched in this order)
    • /data/oem/etc – user default – wiped on factory reset
    • /oem/etc – oem default
    • /system/etc – system default
  • files that can be overridden (optimus is the internal GCS name, telepathy-air is the air unit (ro.product.device))
    • lampsignal-telepathy-air.json
    • rc_service_config_optimus.ini
    • mavlink-router.optimus.conf
    • system-control.optimus.conf

Generate a bug report

1/ Install ADB and Google drivers
  1. Follow this tutorial…
2/ Setting-up the device for ADB
Enable the Developper option on the Herelink device
1- From the main screen, tap on the Android app menu to open it (bottom right of the screen)home screen android app menu - Herelink Manual2- Go to “Settings” > “About Phone” >> “Build Number” 3- Tap seven times on the “Build Number” case, it will activate the developper mode. A pop-up message will confirm that the device is now in developper mode. 4- Go back by tapping on the triangle (black colomn on the left) >> Go into “developer options” >> then activate ” USB debugging” The device is now ready to generate the bug report
3/ Generate the bug report
  1. Connect the Herelink remote to your computer with an USB cable
  2. Open the terminal of you computer then enter the command : adb bugreport > press enter The above command will generate the bureport and save zip file on the device, the path will be mentioned in the output of command (copy the path to use it in step 3)
  3. Send the zip file to you computer by using the command : adb pull
  4. Contact your reseller or Hex / Proficnc to send the bug report zip file. The bug report must be accompanied by detailed information on what happened: which application is causing the problem, the description of the issue, under which conditions, specific settings you made, video, photos, etc…., and all informations that could help staff to reproduce or understand the issue.

Herelink FAQ

Herelink - Register Failure

-Wi-Fi 5.8GHz

-IP Address Not in range 192.168.0.x

-Region Select the correct region and within 5mins difference

* Please check and fulfil three requirements, otherwise register failure as a result

Herelink - Solex as Autostarting App

Herelink - Screenshot

Herelink - Video / Camera

*Latest update please check the URL above, thank you!
Below the list of the cameras which have been tested and reported working or not working with the Herelink Any help to grow the list is welcome. If there is any specific settings to use, please tell it.
**************** Working ************************************
  • Canon EOS M3_________Stock/out of the box settings
  • GoPro 3_______________Stock/out of the box settings
  • GoPro 4_______________Stock/out of the box settings (NO LONGER WORKS)
  • GoPro 5_______________Stock/out of the box settings
  • GoPro 7_______________Stock/out of the box settings
  • GoPro 8_______________Stock/out of the box settings (with its Media Module)
  • Go Pro Hero 10 Black ____Works with media mod
  • ZCam E1______________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Foxeer Box2___________Specific settings 
  • Flir Duo Pro____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony AS200V___________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony NEX-3N___________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony a5100____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony A6000____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony A6300____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony A7R______________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony A7Rii_____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony RX1Rii____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony RX0 mki___________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony RX100VI___________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony HX50_____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony HX60V____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony HDR-CX450_______Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony HDR-PJ620_______Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony HDR-CX440_______Stock/out of the box settings
  • Foxeer HS1223__________Set resolution to 1080p 30fps with Foxeer app
  • Foxtech Seeker 30 max___Stock/out of the box settings
  • Waltter move 500________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Hawkeye Firefly split 4k___Stock/out of the box settings (firmware 20190926 works – better than others)
  • Firefly Q6______________Stock/out of the box settings
    -Mapir Survey 3__________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Optris PI-Series_________Stock/out of the box settings (via companion computer with MS Windows)
  • EKEN H9R_____________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Black Magic micro cinema_Stock/out of the box settings
  • NextVision cameras with TRIP2 accessory_Stock/out of the box settings
  • Foxtech FH310Z
  • Panasonic GH6__________Stock/out of the box settings
  • Sony FX6 (1080P mode)
    Cameras HDMI is fully working with HereLink including full camera control via airpixel controller
  • Tarot TL10X-T2D________Stock/out of the box settings

************ Not Working ****************************************

  • Workswell Wiris Mini
  • Workswell Wiris and Wiris 2nd Generation
  • Xiaomi Yi
  • Foxtech SEEKER 30x-HD

Herelink - Connection

Airplane mode is designed for manually disconnect the air unit and controller. Connection breaks when you turn it on.

Herelink - Antenna

Herelink - Calibration

Herelink - Encryption

Herelink encrypt over the air uses aes-128-ctr

Herelink - Ethernet

I’m trying to get ethernet passthrough working. I’m running on the Beta Channel, SRU01200616 on the ground unit and the corresponding version on the airside.
I understand an ethernet adapter with a R8152/8153 chip is required, I have an ANKER A7610011 and a Cable Matters 202023-BLK for testing. Both use the correct chip according to the Amazon comments, although it’s very hard to get the information directly from the manufactures.
On the ground side, I have a generic OTG adapter and have tested it with a USB stick. On the airside I have an OTG charging passthrough cable, this allows to power the adapter (and the airside, and cube, I’m not sure if that is a good idea).
I understand with an adapter on both ends it should be a transparent link but I can’t seem to get it working.
It does have to be said that I am a complete beginner with regard to networking stuff such as this.
The next trick is getting ADB access to confirm (GCS)
Here is a new bootimage for the GCS unit to make the R8152/53 detect. 2 (GCS unit bootimage with R8152) the stock image includes
to update the boot image via USB (i assume you have ADB access already/developer mode)
adb reboot bootloader fastboot
flash boot boot.img fastboot
Next, we enable ADB via TCPIP, but first, we need to enable this via USB
adb shell
setprop persist.adb.tcp.port 5555
then after the reboot, get the IP of the GCS unit (eg
adb connect
adb shell
you should get the shell again do a
and check if eth0 exists
Now verify we can ADB into the air unit once you have ADB to the GCS unit, power on the air unit and do a
adb shell (gets you into the gcs unit)
adb connect
adb -s shell
this should now get you into the air unit.
Next try running a
/bin/busybox brctl show
under interfaces, you should see vxlan1 and eth0
optimus:/ $ /bin/busybox brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
br-vxlan 8000.00e04c360345 no vxlan1