Benewake TF02-Pro Rangefinder Datasheet

Benewake TF02-Pro Rangefinder Datasheet

Benewake TF02-Pro Rangefinder IP65 Prouduct Here

Benewake TF02-Pro Rangefinder – Datasheet in PDF Here

TF02-Pro LiDAR(Mid-range distance sensor)

1. Benewake TF02-Pro Rangefinder Datasheet-Product Description

TF02-Pro is a single-point ranging LiDAR based on TF02 upgrade. The performance and accuracy of different reflectivity are improved, it can achieve stable, accuracy, sensitive and high frequency range detection.

Main features of product:

• The range up to 40 meters

• Ambient light resistance(Up to 100Klux)

• High frame rate(up to 1000Hz)

• Low power consumption Main applications:

• Intelligent traffic

• Intelligent parking lots

• Material level monitoring


2. Technical Specifications and Parameters

Table 1 Main characteristic parameters of TF02-Pro

Parameter NameValue 
 Operating Range0.05~40m@90%reflectivity 0.05~13.5m@10%reflectivity 0.05~40m@90% reflectivity(100Klux) 0.05~13.5m@10% reflectivity(100Klux)
 Distance Resolution1cm
 frame rate100Hz
Product performanceRepeatability1σ:<2cm(0.05~35m@90% reflectivity)
 Ambient light resistance100Klux
 Operation t temperature-20~60℃
 Protection LevelIP65
 Light sourceVCSEL
 Central wavelength850nm
Optical ParametersFOV
 Photobiological safetyClass 1(EN60825)
 Supply voltageDC 5V~12V
 Average Current≤200mA
 Power consumption≤1W
Electrical ParametersPeak Current300mA
 Communication levelLVTTL(3.3V)
 Communication interfaceUART/I2C
 Weight50g(with cables)
Other ParametersEnclosure materialPC/ABS
 Storage temperature-30~80℃
 Cable length80cm

1 Accuracy is measured in white object (90% reflectivity) at 25℃ and will be somewhat different in case of different reflectivity or light sensitivity conditions or temperature.

3. Product Appearance and Structure1 1 - Benewake TF02-Pro Rangefinder Datasheet

Figure 1 Dimension of TF02-Pro Unit:mm

4. Communication Interface
Default Baud rate115200
Data bits8
Stop bit1

Table 2 Communication Interface–UART

Default Baud rate115200
Data bits8
Stop bit1


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